DXC Technology Shares. Marsh,
Inching up 0.38% to $28.84 on Wednesday, it proved to be a broadly positive session for stocks, with the S&P 500 SPX,
The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA rose 1.05% to 4,119.21,
It rose 0.02 percent to 34,092.96. It was the second day in a row that the stock rose. DXC Technologies Ltd. closed $10.81 below the company’s 52-week high of $39.65 reached on Feb. 9.
The stock underperformed on Wednesday compared with some of its rivals such as Accenture PLC Cl A ACN,
Up 1.63 percent to $283.60. Transaction volume (3.1 million) exceeded its 50-day average transaction volume of 1.5 million.
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